Rocky Hill Riders

14 - Desert Skies.mp3

Happy tails, Sam.

Happy trails, Sam.

The Rockyhill Riders thank The City of Norco, the Parks and Recreation staff and leaders, and all the families who came out to support the next generation of Norco's horse people at the Norco Youth Fun Day on October 6, 2024.  The future is bright!

About Us:

The Rocky Hill Riders were formed as a Men's Riding Club in Norco, California, in 1968.  Our Golden Anniversary in 2018  marked 50 years of continuous operation here in The Golden State, and we look forward to celebrating Norco, horseback riding, Southern California's natural beauty, and family and friends for generations to come!

Contact us on our contact page.

Our Work:

As founded more than a half century ago, we continue to operate as a mens' club centered on horseback riding.  But as we've evolved, our love of family, friends, neighbors, community, horses, and nature have formed our bond, and we work to extend our sense of community- and service- throughout Norco and beyond.  Members gather- with their families and friends- together on the trails around Southern California one Sunday each month.  We present an annual Poker Ride every November, typically the Sunday immediately preceding Thanksgiving, which has earned its reputation as a safe, fun, family ride with a good prize tale.  Our annual camping ride, community service events and contributions, and occasional social events are part of our fiber.  Please see any member if you would like an invitation to join us on a ride or event.    

Learn about our upcoming rides:

Sign up to be notified of upcoming rides- please see the "contact us" page and send us your email address and we will notify you of our scheduled rides- we'd love to have you join us!

Join Us

Whether you are a lifetime equine advocate or new to the horseman's life, we invite you to join us.  We welcome new ideas and value enthusiasm from members and volunteers, new and old.


Turkey Poker Ride.  Sunday, November 23, 2025 (the Sunday immediately preceding Thanksgiving).  Come join us for a fun family ride out of the Hidden Valley lower staging area.  Sign-ups start at 8 am with the ride leaving at 10 am.  Expect about three hours in the saddle with stops to draw cards for your poker hands, grab a beverage, and visit the restrooms.  Conditions will determine if we cross the river, but we have a reputation for presenting a safe, children friendly ride with a good prize table and fun for all.  Please mark your calendars and join us to kick off the holiday season in the saddle!

Monthly Club Rides:  Rides are scheduled on the second Sunday of every month.  The club and invited guests saddle up and ride out to explore open spaces all over Southern California.  Please contact us through the contact tab on this site or call the number in the banner above (leave a voice mail, please) if you are interested in coming along for the camaraderie, sight-seeing, and- oh yeah- the horseback riding!  

Monthly Club Meeting:  Club meetings are on the evening of the Thursday preceding the monthly club ride.  (Rides are the second Sunday of the month, with exceptions for special events).

R.H.R annual Wine and Cheese Progressive Ride.  This annual event is held yearly on local Norco trails, and is designed to be new rider and child friendly.  We visit a number of members' homes for refreshments and friendship, with 60 - 90 minute trail rides between stops.  The date for this next event is TBD, but over the past years, this terriffic ride/social event has evolved from a holiday celebration into a Superbowl Sunday ride/party.  See any member for an invitation to join us if you are interested.  


Norco Horseweek Parade.   April 26, 2025 

Norco Horseweek Youth Fun Day.  Presented by the Rockyhill Riders.  May 4, 2025 

Norco Labor Day Parade:  Monday, September 1, 2025

Turkey Poker Ride.  Sunday, November 23, 2025 ( tentative- the Sunday immediately preceding Thanksgiving).

Club Christmas Party.  TBD

Annual Wine and Cheese Ride.  TBD

In case you missed it:  Check the Photos Page for photos from some of our past rides.  



Look at us- Parade day in the Norco Chamber of Commerce Visitors' Guide!

Aerial shot by drone- Labor Day Parade 2016